Embodied Meditation Practices
Mindful Breathing - Building your Mindfulness Muscle
This first meditation in the Embodied Meditation series is designed to help you build your “mindfulness muscle” - teaching your brain to come back to the present moment every time it wanders.
Mindful Breathing - Breath Awareness
In this next meditation we will do a deep dive into breath awareness as a means of cultivating mindful awareness. Awareness without judgment. Learning how to tune into the breath for the dual purpose of anchoring the mind in the present moment, as well as the beginning stages of learning how to tune into and regulate our nervous system through the breath.
Mindful Breathing - Slow Belly Breathing
In this meditation we will learn a powerful technique for connecting the way we breathe with how we feel, helping us tune into and regulate our stress/relaxation response.
Trauma-Informed Grounding Meditation
In this meditation we explore how to mindfully ground our body/mind to soothe our nervous system and create a sense of safety, relaxation, and presence.
Breathe Pause Slow Exhale ( 4-7-8 Breathing)
This is a powerful, evidence-based breathing/meditation practice to decrease the fight-flight response in the body and elicit lasting relaxation and resilience.
Mindful Eating
A new way to experience, connect, and savor your relationship with food
Yoga Nidra
Enjoy this practice of deep, conscious rest. Exploring how to soothe the body, connecting to deeper layers of ourselves.